Did you lose a loved one recently? If so, you’re likely going to go through what are called the five stages of grief soon. These five stages are important because they’re designed to help you grieve your loved one’s loss properly. You might not spend as much time on each individual stage as other people, and you might find yourself working your way through the stages in a different order than others. But it’s essential for you to hit all five stages once you walk out of a funeral home in Progreso, TX following your loved one’s funeral services. Learn about what each stage of grief brings below. Stage 1: Denial When you first find out that you’ve lost a loved one, you might have a hard time believing it. Even when you see their body in front of you during their Progreso, TX funeral services, you won’t be able to believe that they’re gone. You might think things like, “This can’t be happening,” since your system is so overwhelmed with grief. It’s completely normal to feel this way when a loved one dies. Stage 2: Anger At some point, you’ll stop denying your loved one’s loss and start to come to terms with it. But often times, that will bring unexpected feelings of anger into your life. You might be angry at the person who died or the doctor who didn’t do enough to help save them (in your eyes, at least). You might also be angry at your fellow family members for not doing enough to help your loved one. It’s important to get a grip on this anger before it leads to further problems down the line. Stage 3: Bargaining In addition to getting angry at others while grieving the loss of a loved one, you’ll also get angry at yourself. You’ll begin to bargain with yourself at times and say things like, “If only we had worked harder to keep them healthy,” in reference to your loved one. You’ll also begin to feel guilty about the things you think you could and should have done to help your loved one. Stage 4: Depression You might expect to feel sad following the loss of a loved one. But the sadness that you feel will usually be unlike any other sadness you’ve ever felt. You might have a hard time getting out of bed in the morning because of how sad and hopeless you feel about life. You’ll need to remind yourself that this sadness will not last forever. You’ll also need to consider seeking grief counseling services to put this strong sense of sadness behind you. Stage 5: Acceptance Unfortunately, not everyone is able to reach this stage of grief. There are some people who just can’t accept that their loved one is gone. Many times, these people get stuck in one of the other stages and struggle to push forward with their lives. But if you’re willing to work hard enough at it and get the help you need, you can reach this stage and find healing. It can take a long time to get here, but it’s well worth the effort that you’ll need to put into it. Navigating your way through the five stages of grief can be a painful process. McCaleb Funeral Home can make this process slightly easier when you utilize our Progreso, TX funeral services for your loved one. We’ll set you up with the grief counseling you need and put you on the path towards healing. Reach out to us by calling (956) 968-7533 for help or stop by 900 W 4th St, Weslaco, TX 78596 to obtain info on our funeral services.